Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cuomo Cannot Stay Away from Governor’s Race for Much Longer -

Cuomo Cannot Stay Away from Governor’s Race for Much Longer -

I mostly recall Andrew Cuomo (the son of former New York governor Mario Cuoma) for his service in the Clinton administration and his close ties to Al Gore. Until I read this article I knew nothing about his temperament and up until this month I was not focused on his current job as New York attorney general. Rick Lazio is the same GOP stiff who ran against Hillary and lost big the first time Hillary ran for the Senate. I do not see Rick Lazio as being a very tough opponent (assuming it is Lazio) in the general election. Why does Andrew want to be Governor of New York? It is a thankless, rotten job as far as I can tell.

Governor David Paterson plays fast and loose with the facts

Governor David Paterson plays fast and loose with the facts

That storm cloud over New York's Governor still looms overhead. This despite the fact he announced this morning he will not seek re-election.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Healthcare Summit: Chicago Style - HUMAN EVENTS Online - HUMAN EVENTS

Healthcare Summit: Chicago Style - HUMAN EVENTS Online - HUMAN EVENTS

Jed Babbin is no fan of the health care Summit. For example Babbin offers this comparison:

Obama’s performance [at the health care summit] brought to mind one of the opening scenes in the Kevin Costner - Robert DeNiro movie, “The Untouchables.” In it, a store owner argues with one of the Capone gang. “That green beer you’re peddlin’ just ain’t any good,” he says.

“It ain’t supposed to be good. It’s supposed to be bought,” says the mobster.

The only difference between Capone’s beer and Obama’s healthcare plan is that the latter wants to maintain the pretense that it’s good.

David Johnson Reportedly Asked State Police to Call Accuser -

David Johnson Reportedly Asked State Police to Call Accuser -

This is the fact pattern underlying the suggestion Governor Paterson may have abused his power of office (i.e. by causing the State Police to contact the person who alleged Paterson's senior aide had beaten her up and having the State Police tell the woman not to testify) This controversy is far from being over in my estimation. So there! - Obama Shows Testy Side at Health Care Summit - Obama Shows Testy Side at Health Care Summit

Considering the enormous stress Obama is under I am not surprised he gets a little testy.

Op-Ed Columnist - Do Toxins Cause Autism? -

Op-Ed Columnist - Do Toxins Cause Autism? -

Support for Paterson’s Election Is Crumbling Among Democrats -

Support for Paterson’s Election Is Crumbling Among Democrats -

Governor Paterson of New York is faced with allegations he pressured a woman to drop domestic violence charges against one of his close aides.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Entrepreneur and His Wife Killed in Moscow (photo) - Pravda.Ru

Entrepreneur and His Wife Killed in Moscow (photo) - Pravda.Ru

It's the Wild East.

Obama’s Associate Deputy AG vindicates John Yoo and Jay Bybee « Sister Toldjah

Obama's Associate Deputy AG vindicates John Yoo and Jay Bybee « Sister Toldjah

This is an interesting item which I had overlooked (it was released last Friday afternoon, probably out of a desire of the Whitehouse to "bury" it). John Yoo and others who gave legal advice to the Bush Whitehouse on "enhanced interrogation techniques" did not commit a crime.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian

The 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian / US & Canada - US experts close in on Google hackers / US & Canada - US experts close in on Google hackers

The Google team has been gathering data leading to the specific hackers in China, making it much more difficult for the government of China to claim it was not involved in hacking Google. This is the latest instance in a pattern of hacking by the government of China to steal USA commercial and military secrets.